Dear attendee at the IARTEM19,
Her you’ll find the proceedings for the IARTEM19. Thank you very much for your contribution both to the event and the proceedings.
We hope to see you all in Florence in 2021.
15th IARTEM Conference 11-13 September 2019, Odense, Denmark
The theme of the conference:
Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from multiple perspectives: Analysing the texts, studying their use, determining their impact.
The theme of the 2019 IARTEM conference reminds us, that textbooks and educational media can and should continue to be researched from different perspectives, with various aims, and with relevance to a range of actors. Artifacts that are used as educational resources by teachers and students mediate between the world around the school, curriculum, and subject content on the one hand and students on the other. The relevance of studying the design of educational resources and their potential for fostering new insights, skills or competencies in students persists.
Presentation of the proceedings
33 texts were accepted for publication in the 2019 IARTEM proceedings. The texts have been grouped in three main themes:
Theme # 1: Educational resources as texts
Subtheme 1A: Educational resources as texts: Analyses of design and learning potential.
Subtheme 1B: Educational resources as texts: The educational resource as symptomatic of or embedded in structural, conceptual or ideological constructs.
Studies under this theme either share an interest in investigating the design and learning potential of learning resources, or adopt a broader perspective by focusing on how structural, conceptual or ideological constructs are represented or appear in learning resources.
Theme # 2: Studies of use
Subtheme 2A: Students’ use and outcome of using educational resources.
Subtheme 2B: Teachers’ selection and use of educational resources.
Papers studying use of learning resources are focused on student use or outcome or teachers’ selection or use of learning resources.
Theme # 3: Innovative design and the production process of learning resources (3)
The third theme explores design processes involving educational resources or the production of learning resources.
About the proces of the proceedings
Everyone who presented a contribution to the Odense conference was invited to submit a paper for the proceedings. Alternatively, it was possible to submit more elaborated research papers for the IARTEM eJournal and the Danish journal Learning Tech. Manuscripts were to be written in English and not exceed 3.500 words.